Just one more reason to move to the Moab, Utah.

Freedom in Idaho

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Freedom in Idaho

If Thomas Jefferson were still alive, chances are he would live in Idaho. Freedom means different things to different people—in Idaho, it means a common-sense government run by people who still have some sense.

Freedom in Idaho

Yes, freedom in Idaho can look a bit cliché.
If you would like, you can ride your motorcycle without a helmet, sling a suppressed SBR rifle across your back, all while carrying your favorite concealed sidearm without generating a single pearl clutch or frightened gasp. (Obviously, a big part of this freedom example assumes you are not a felon.)

Clichés aside, most folks in Idaho use their God-given and state-protected freedoms the way the founders of our nation intended—to live a polite, responsible, and fruitful life, enjoying the outdoors and all the endless recreation that goes with it.

Education Freedom
Freedom also permeates education. While most residents choose to educate their children through public, charter, or private schools—nearly 10% of parents in Idaho choose to homeschool. Families homeschool for many reasons—based on their grounds, they embrace diverse educational models that fit their family priorities and philosophical preferences. The expanding resurgence of homeschooling also means finding support is easy, and you’ll discover that it is common for many organizations to offer various discounts and unique access opportunities to homeschooling families.

Business Freedom
As you ought to expect, freedom in Idaho also means that Idaho is business-friendly—a pleasant way of saying the state doesn’t dream up ridiculous regulations (along with the added expenditures) trying to solve problems that don’t exist outside of ivory-tower case studies. So, if you’re looking to open a new business or move/expand a present business, you’ll find Idaho quite welcoming.

Medical Freedom
Idaho’s laws for childhood immunizations are among the laxest in the country. It is one of 15 states that allow vaccine exemptions based on a personal belief — not just for medical or religious reasons.

Neighborly Freedom
Perhaps the best example of freedom in Idaho is in the friendly neighborliness demonstrated throughout our many communities. Whether in my neighborhood or on weekend exploration trips—a culture of neighbors helping neighbors epitomizes the Idaho lifestyle. It makes sense if you think about it. Many of those clichés one thinks about of Idaho were common in the not too distant past. Yet as farm fields have yielded to semiconductor manufacturing, SaaS organizations, educational institutions, and housing developments, you’ll appreciate the fact that most who seek to call Idaho home do not want all the clichés to pass away. They love the friendliness, the adventures, the freedom, and all the nuances that it encompasses.

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Sue and Morgan

DALTON & COOK Real Estate Team

(435) 260-8090


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